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Furthur Vino de Naranja Anejo Tequila Batch 2
  • Furthur Vino de Naranja Anejo Tequila Batch 2

    Out of Stock
    • Feliciano Vivanco (NOM-1414), Arandas, Mexico

      Batch 002

      Filled: 23/06/21

      Bottled: 18/08/22


      A truly unique bottle here.  The same juice used for Confianza tequila is aged for a hair under two years in Vino de Naranja Barrels to make Furthur Anejo. Vino de Naranja (not skin contact wine in this case) is a traditional Mexican white wine macerated with orange peels. Well-balanced strike between fruit and earthy minerality that plays extremely well with the Vino de Naranja Barrel. No overwhelming typicities of oaky vanilla or char, more soft citrus and spice driven.  Oh yeah, and made by Sergio Cruz.


      The Tequila is carefully handcrafted from 100% Blue Agave grown under Organic Farming practices. The Agave is harvested, chopped, and cooked in brick ovens (Hornos) for 24 hours and then rested for 24 hours. The cooked agave is put through a roller mill to squeeze the agave and extract the juice from the pulp. The juice is then stored in stainless steel vats and goes through a long fermentation (5-9 days). During the fermentation, something very special is done… Classical music is played to stimulate the yeast. The fermentation is then double distilled in copper stills. The heads and tails are discarded and only the precious hearts remain.

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